Tutto comincia quando il sig. Nikon se ne esce con la frase:
“A photographer is only as good as the equipment he uses, and a good lens is essential to taking good pictures! (…)”
Il che, preso un po’ alla larga, potrebbe trovare riscontro nel fatto che se vuoi diventare professionista, certo non puoi continuare a scattare col 18-55 di plastica….ma questa sembra più una gran cretinata partorita da un qualche portavoce FB di Nikon, sistemata successivamente alle migliaia di critiche e lamentele ricevute, con:
“We know some of you took offense to the last post, and we apologize, as it was not our aim to insult any of our friends. Our statement was meant to be interpreted that the right equipment can help you capture amazing images. We appreciate the passion you have for photography and your gear, and know that a great picture is possible anytime and anywhere.”